Christmas Trees Through Window Art

Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project

This a cute and easy art project that you can display all month long!

This Christmas art project is also a great jumping-off point when talking about perspective.

Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project
Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project


  • tree templates
  • black paper (construction paper or cardstock)
  • crayons or colored pencils
  • glue
Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project


  1. Print out the tree template you wish to use.
  2. Have students color the tree and background. They can create the illusion that they are looking into a room or outside depending on how they color the background. If they want to appear like they are looking inside a room, have them color the background yellow (for light.) If they want to appear like they are looking outside, have them color the background dark blue or black.
  3. Cut out 5 strips of black paper per student. Make the paper 0.5-0.75 inches thick. (I used 0.75 inches thick in my example photos.)
  4. Glue the strips onto the paper like a window frame. Cut off any excess.

That’s it!

You can then have them displayed on a bulletin board or wall all month long.

Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project
Christmas Tree Through the Window Art Project

Grab your FREE Tree Templates here or by clicking on any of the images in the post.

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Meet the author
Cassie Tabrizi
Cassie Tabrizi
After being in elementary education for 14 years, and as founder of Create-Abilities, Cassie is passionate about helping fellow educators empower their teaching.
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