Do you ever have students in your room that start to move or transition or begin a project before you even finish the directions? The code word of the day is a simple strategy that can help. It’s a small tweak that can have a big impact in your classroom.
Here’s how it works:
1. Each day (or week) you pick a different code word. This could be a completely random word chosen by a students, picked from the dictionary, or a vocabulary word you are studying in class.
2. You write the code word on the outside of a picture frame using a dry erase marker and display it in a visible location in your classroom. You can also write it on a laminated piece of paper so it can be used again and again.
3. Your students cannot begin to move or transition until you have said the code word. This means that they are waiting until all the directions are given and any questions have been answered.
That’s it!
Your students will feel engaged as they listen intently for the code word. They will also feel motivated by the code word if they get to pick what it is. You can change up the code word as often as it works for you.